Thursday 13 October 2016

Cultures Of Goa

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People of Goa also celebrate Holi in a different style. They enjoy this festival of colours with traditional dances and performing arts. It is, locally, popular as Shigmotsav or Shigmo.

St. Francis Day
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Another major Christian festival is St. Francis Day, which is celebrated on December 3 at the famous Church of Bom Jesus. It is a series of ceremony to honour the death of St. Francis Xavier (a great missionary). His body lies in a silver casket in the Church of Bom Jesus. A grand feast which welcomes people from all the communities and religions, is organised.

Cultures Of Goa

Good Friday
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Apart from all these festivals, Goa celebrates several other occasions popular for their uniqueness in terms of art forms, traditions and rituals. A major occasion is Good Friday, followed by Easter Sunday.  Good Friday was the day when Jesus was crucified. It is basically the culmination of Lent (a 40 day fast during February-March). The following Sunday (Easter Sunday) is believed to be the day when Jesus rose from his grave.

Sao Joao Festival
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Another festival, purely meant for the sons-in-law, is Sao Joao Festival. Celebrated on June 24, the festival is basically the grand feast of St. John the Baptist. All the newly wed sons-in-law celebrate the occasion at their mother-in-law's house. The mothers gift fruit baskets to their married daughters. The sons-in-law, wearing crown of leaves, carry bottles of feni while dancing and jump into wells/ponds.

Cultures Of Goa

Festivals in Goa

Fairs and Festivals in Goa are really a refreshing experience for the town dwellers as well as the visitors to the enchanting beach town. Various festivals and events in Goa are celebrated with all the pomp and show. The long list of the most-popular Fairs and Festivals includes Monsoon Festival Goa, Christmas & New Year Celebrations in Goa and the Festival of Three Kings Feast. Goa Christmas Celebrations and New Year Celebrations are world famous and people from across the world come and enjoy the glamour of these memorable moments. The most-awaited Goa Carnival Festival 2012 was celebrated last February.

The Goa Carnival
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This three-day festival was introduced by the Portuguese in the 18th century, who ruled over Goa for around five hundred years. Among all the colorful feasts and festivals that are celebrated in Goa, the Goa Carnival is the most eagerly awaited event. Full of colour, music, dance and enthusiasm, the Goa Carnival is celebrated by people from any and every religion with traditional revelries and even western dance forms.

The word Carnival (Carnaval in Portuguese) is derived from a Latin word meaning ‘to take away meat’ and is known for feasting, drinking and merrymaking, prior to the austere 40 days of Lent. The carnival has been celebrated since the 18th century when the legendary king Momo took over the state and the streets came alive with music and color.

Feast Of Three Kings
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Another traditional festival of Goa, the Feast of Three Kings is celebrated to show reverence to the Lady of Mount. All the communities of Goa collectively offer their prays to the Lady of Mount, who is considered the protector of the people. It is also believed that she blesses married couples with children and fulfills any wish made at her chapel. On the occasion of Festa dos Reis or the Epiphany on January 6 every year, people decorate her idol with jewellery and seek her blessings.

This traditional festival is quite popular in the villages of Reis Magos, Cansaulim, Chandor, Quelim and Arrosim. Three little boys perform the re-enactment of the three kings arriving with gifts for the Baby Christ. It gives you an enchanting opportunity to explore the traditional living of the Goan people through the fair, with several stalls of toys, mats, handicrafts, metal items, bangles, sweets, spices, clothes and furniture.

Cultures Of Goa

3. Church of St Francis of Assisi

Church of St Francis Assisi is one of the most respected Roman Catholic churches in Goa. Built in 1661 by the Portuguese, this beautiful church displays a Barque and Corinthian architecture with intricately laid out ornaments in the interiors. The interiors that have been done so beautifully is sure to leave you impressed. Another impressive thing about this church is the museum inside. The museum displays many artifacts, paintings and also stunning sculptures. If you want to experience the rich lifestyle that existed in Goa many centuries ago, this is where you should be.
Located in North Goa in Velho, the neatly designed frescos with floral designs and intricately carved woodwork are also another attraction that you must watch out for. If you also carefully look at the walls you will also see many paintings that depict the life of St Francis Assisi.
Take a walking tour of this church on your next visit to Goa. There are many tour operators who conduct these tours. The church is open every day except Sunday from 7.30 am to 6.30 pm.

Cultures Of Goa

2. Se Cathedral

Se Cathedral de Santa Catarina which is also known as Se Cathedral is located in Old Goa. This church is one of the largest in India and is also the most popular churches of Goa. This Cathedral was built with a purpose. And the purpose was to celebrate the victory of Afonso, who was a Portuguese ruler after he captured a Goan city in 1510. The day of the victory was also the feat of Saint Catherine and the Cathedral was thus dedicated to her.
This Church had originally two towers, out of which one was destroyed never to be built again. Se Cathedral was also gifted a Golden Rose which the Popes of Churches have always blessed and considered as a token of respect and devotion. This gold ornament is places on the tomb of Francis Xavier.
Se Cathedral has a magnificent Portuguese- Manueline architectural style. The interiors have a Corinthian style while the exteriors display a perfect Tuscan style of architecture. Se cathedral stands tall at 250 feet and the front structur eitseld if 115 feet high. The biggest attraction point of this church is the Golden Bell which is also the largest in the state. Located in Velha, this church is open all days of the week and they do not have any restrictions on photography. You can click all you want and also take a walking tour of this church.
On your walking tour you will also find numerous ancient paintings, especially in the altar that was made in dedication to Catherine of Alexandria. And if the stories are anything to go by, it is also said that a version of Christ had appeared in the Chapel that is situated on the right of this church. This occurred in 1919. You can take a walking tour that is arranged by locals too. Do not miss out on visiting this one.

Cultures Of Goa


1. Bom Jesus Basilica

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Bom Jesus Basilica is one of the oldest churches of Goa located in old Goa. Old Goa used to be this place’s capital during the Portuguese ruling. The beautiful church is considered to be one of the finest examples of Baroque architecture which is a style of building that had begun in the late 16th century. The interiors of Bom Jesus Basilica are very simple yet beautiful and the floor is made with marble and precious stones. You will find a mausoleum at the top that has the body of St Francis Xavier in a silver casket. This mausoleum was designed by Giovanni Battista who was a sculptor of the 17th century. And it took almost ten years to complete the construction of this mausoleum.
This church also has a stunning art gallery called the Bom Jesus Basilica Art Gallery that exhibits the works of Dom Martin, a Goan painter. This beautiful church of Goa that is a 108 years old is open to the public every day. Thousands of visitors come to this church to witness a miracle that still exists. It is said that the mortal remains of St Francis Xavier is well preserved even today.
You can take a tour around the church and even click some brilliant photographs of the paintings and interiors. The best time to visit Bom Jesus Basilica is anywhere between 10.30 am and 6.30 pm.

Cultures Of Goa

3. Kunbi

 Kunbi is a tribal folk dance which is peculiar to the Kunbi tribe of Goa performed to the rhythms of Ghummot. It is a group dance and song sequence, thoroughly rustic. Corredinho- Portuguese, Goff, Godde- Modni, Dhangar, Hanpet or the sword dance, Virbhadra and Samayi or the Lamp dance are some other folk dance forms of Goa. 

Cultures Of Goa

2. Dhalo
The Dhalo is another folk dance form performed by certain communities of Goa. The women sing about the clothes, ornaments and looks of Gods. These performances are traditional with minimal use of props; rather the hand gestures and mimicry play an important role. After the prayers, the women split into two rows or ‘Fanti’, facing each other, holding themselves with arms around one another. They sway, bend and move forward and backward, singing in unison.


Dances Of Goa....
1. Fugdi

The Fugdi is the most popular folk dance form performed by the Goan women. The name is believed to have evolved from the sound of puffing which the women make while performing this traditional dance. It is danced to a fast rhythm and accompanied by folk songs which are part of the memory heritage of the community. Fugdi is a way by which the women express their innermost devotion to the deity and hence the tradition of Fugdi has been maintained in Goa. 

cultures of goa

our blog is about cultures of goa. we will be posting different cultures releted to goa.